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This website is provided by Pharus Group for information purpose only. Belongs Pharus group: Pharus Asset Management SA (Switzerland) and Pharus Management Lux SA (Luxembourg), and its Italian Branch.
Pharus Group selects the data and information contained in the website with utmost care from sources it believes to be reliable and carries out periodical updates. In this contest, the users are been informed that such information contained in this web site may be changed without notice. However, Pharus Group may not be held responsible in connection with the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the published information.
2. No distribution, no offer, no solicitation
The information contained in this website shall not, in any case, constitute any distribution, offer, solicitation, or be considered as investment, legal or tax advice. No decision shall be made solely based on the website content. In particular, it is strongly recommended to seek for qualified advice. Not all collective investment schemes described in this website are available in all countries. The information contained in this website is intended neither for individuals nor for legal persons whom, because of the jurisdiction or their qualification, nationality and/or residence, are not allowed to access or use this information because it would constitute a violation of laws or regulations. It is the responsibility of the users to ensure that they are authorized to access the information contained therein.
Several information on this web site may be not available by users that declare to be considered as not institutional investor. Currently, not all of the foreign collective investment schemes have been authorized for distribution in Switzerland and consequently the information relating to such collective investment schemes may be accessible only to certain investors. Information concerning the appointed Representative and Paying Agent can be found in the relevant fund documents, to which reference should be made for further details.
The article of association, the prospectus and the "Key Investor Information" documents, as well as the annual and semi-annual reports will be made available to shareholders free of charge on this website - after logging in as Suisse resident user specifying whether as private or institutional investor - and by the Representative.
Not all collective investment schemes contained in the website have been authorized for distribution in Italy. Consequently, the information relating only to certain collective investment schemes is accessible to investors residing in Italy.
The article of association, the prospectus and the "Key Investor Information" documents, as well as the annual and semi-annual reports will be made available to shareholders free of charge on this website after logging in as Italian resident user specifying whether as private or institutional investor - and from the duly appointed distributors in Italy, whose list is available on this website.
All collective investment schemes contained in the website have been authorized for distribution in Luxembourg.
The article of association, the prospectus and the "Key Investor Information" documents, as well as the annual and semi-annual reports will be made available to shareholders free of charge on this website after logging in as Luxembourg resident user specifying whether as private or institutional investor.
Not all collective investment schemes contained in the website have been authorized for distribution in Germany. Consequently, the information relating only to certain collective investment schemes is accessible to investors residing in Germany.
The article of association, the prospectus and the "Key Investor Information" documents, as well as the annual and semi-annual reports will be made available to shareholders free of charge on this website after logging in as German resident user specifying whether as private or institutional investor - and from the duly appointed distributors in Germany, whose list, if any, is available on this website.
The collective investment schemes contained in the website are not meant to be directly or indirectly, offered or sold in the USA or any of its territories or to US Persons, as defined under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (hereinafter "Securities Act").
In particular, the collective investment schemes described on the website shall not be registered under the Securities Act or any other applicable United States securities laws (including, without limitation, any applicable law of any of the states of the United States). By proceeding, users warrant not to be a US Person.
3. Performance
This web site may contain presentation of past performances. Past performances are not indicative of future results. Past yields are shown gross of taxation.
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Any issue relating to the use of the website shall be subject to the relevant jurisdiction according to the user residence.
September 2020
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