Pharus Sicav Best Regulated Companies distributes the ninth dividend

11 June 2024 _ News

Pharus Sicav Best Regulated Companies distributes the ninth dividend

Pharus team is pleased to inform that, on June 11, 2024, the ninth semi-annual dividend of Pharus Sicav Best Regulated Companies sub-fund was distributed, and is equal to

  • 1.63 EUR per share for the retail class AD (ISIN LU1868872042)
  • 1.66 EUR for the institutional class BD (ISIN LU1868872125)
  • 1.51 CHF for the retail class denominated in Swiss francs AHD - CHF (ISIN LU1868872471)
  • 1.57 EUR for the listed class QD (ISIN LU1868872802)

The payment date for all the share classes is June 14, 2024.

Pharus Sicav Best Regulated Companies invests in companies specialized in infrastructure within regulated sectors, such as electricity transmission and distribution, water and gas transportation, gas storage and regasification. These companies are mostly monopolistic and have a high visibility on long-term cash flows, based on returns guaranteed by the regulator and contracts often linked to inflation. They hold strategic assets capable of meeting the primary needs of the community, whose values are correlated in a limited way with the economic cycle, offering an interesting reward in terms of expected returns.

The Sub-Fund also enjoys the highest rating in the ESG rating scale available.



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